Remembering Paradise California 

On November 8, 2018 the “Camp Fire” destroyed  the towns of Paradise & Concow in Butte County, Northern California. There were 85 civilian deaths, 12 Civilian & Fire Fighter related injuries. The fire consumed 153,330 acres & destroyed 18,000 homes in the first four hours loosing 95% of their homes & commercial structures. 

I was deployed as a Disaster Spiritual Care supervisor to serve the victims & survivors through the end of December where nine shelters were provided at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico California in Butte County. When there is a massive regional disaster it is common that the local County Fairgrounds are completely secured to be used exclusively as a mass shelter by multiple organizations such as the American Red Cross, FEMA, Health & Human Services & dozens of other agencies including Homeland Security. As an example of these amazing collaborative efforts & logistics, these nine shelters were provided where housing, 3 meals day, showers, cellular & internet, laundry, medical & mental health care, including spiritual care. At this facility the nine shelters up, staffed & running within in 24 hours… they were identified as: 

  1. Family Shelter

  2. Men’s Shelter

  3. Women’s Shelter

  4. Medical-Nursing Shelter

  5. Animal & Pet Shelter

  6. Outside Pavilion Shelter With Tents 

  7. North Parking Lot Shelter - Families Sleeping In Cars

  8. South Parking Lot Shelter - Families With RV’s & 5th Wheels

  9. Multiple Temporary Offices & Administrative Portables

What I would like to report is that these disaster shelters very quickly become these victims new home, they have nowhere to go, no personal items recovered, many lost their vehicles, life has come to an abrupt STOP. The beautiful  news is that we as disaster volunteers & the victims become a new community. These photographs are from Christmas Day, honestly the most treasured Christmas of my adult life!

Thanks you so very much for supporting & sending me to serve the 12 organizations I deploy for as a First Responder Chaplain & Trauma Counselor. 

In His Love,


Baptizing James, My Nextdoor Neighbor May 2024